We’re AB InBev, brewer of some of the world’s best beers, like Stella Artois, Corona and our American brand Budweiser. Read on to find out what Oksana took from her time on our Global Management Traineeship.  

Learning all the facets of a global business 

Hard work and determination are rewarded at AB InBev – Oksana is testament to this. She joined us on the Global Management Traineeship (GMT) back in 2016, shortly after graduating with a master’s in finance. She’s progressed quickly since she started and is now a Commercial Manager in Belgium, where she leads a team across three of Europe’s largest markets. 

From brewing to selling 

“On the GMT, I studied every aspect of the business, from start to finish,” says Oksana. “One week you’ll learn how to brew the beer and then a month later you’ll learn how to sell it.”  

It’s yours, now run with it! 

Oksana was surprised at how much responsibility and confidence AB InBev had in its graduates. “You’re exposed to so many facets of the business during the programme. If you’re curious about something and want to give it go, they’ll let you. The incredible part is you’ll then be responsible for that, so it’s not just about your growth, but the growth of the business, too. The GMT is the best platform for any young and ambitious person.” 

Part of a wider team 

Oksana admits the learning process can be daunting. “Every day is designed to be a challenge. I started the graduate programme in a brewery and before I knew it I had to create a highly technical steam map. Then the next week, I was devising promotions that directly impact on the sales in Ukraine.” But she quickly realised that she had support. “You’re not expected to know everything and deliver this on your own. You’re part of a collaborative global team all working toward the same goal.” 

Opportunities to grow 

Within 18 months of completing the GMT, Oksana moved from her native Ukraine. “This has been my biggest challenge both personally and professionally. I moved into a new sector, in a new country. It felt like I was starting life again.” Now Oksana is leading a team and working across Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg. “When I look at where I was a year ago and where I am now, I’ve learnt that the only thing that will ever hold me back in this business is me.”  

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