We’re AB InBev, brewer of some of the world’s best beers, like Stella Artois, Corona and our American brand Budweiser. Read on to find out what Eli, discovered during his summer placement in London.  

A kick start in the right direction 

Eli spent three years studying in California, Milan and Hong Kong before joining us in London for his summer placement. His passion for sustainability drew him to AB InBev, where he’s been able to explore it further.    

Why AB InBev? 

We asked him what led him to AB InBev in the first place. “As the world’s largest brewer, sustainability is their biggest global challenge. I wanted to help them find innovative ways to achieve their goal. Also,” he adds, “I know it sounds cliched, but I feel like a citizen of the world. I wanted an international role so I could experience new cultures, and working with beers that are enjoyed around the globe seemed a great way to do that.” 

Making a difference 

Eli’s internship was caffeine-fuelled – in more ways than one. “For one of my favourite projects, we partnered with a sustainable coffee company, whose mantra is, ‘don’t let our waste go to waste.’ We worked with them to create biofuel from used coffee grounds, which turned out to be the equivalent of reducing our CO2 footprint by two tonnes per coffee machine every year. If this was rolled out all over the world, the effects would be huge.”    

Plenty of opportunities  

“I loved my summer placement. I felt like I was being invested in – everyone wanted to help me, no matter what it was.” Eli has since applied for our Global Management Trainee programme. “It’s such a diverse scheme, I think it’ll help me realise what I want from a job.” 

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