We’re AB InBev, brewer of some of the world’s best beers, like Stella Artois, Corona and our American brand Budweiser. Read Lauren’s interview where she talks about her experience as a Commercial Management Traineeship (CMT) Trainee and her current position at AB InBev. 

Introduce yourself, your career at AB InBev, your current role and your responsibilities. 

Hi, I’m Lauren and I’m an CMT at Budweiser Brewing Group. I joined the company in August 2020 after graduating from Durham University with a degree in Modern Languages and I am currently working in the Leased Account Team, working with pubs, bars and restaurants which are leased through pub companies.  

I cover a large area, from all of South London to parts of Surrey, as well as Essex and the Kent Coast. This means I do quite a bit of driving but I love getting to see other parts of the country and having so much variety in my week, from busy bars in Clapham to quaint village pubs in rural Kent. 

Since joining AB InBev what has been one of the biggest challenges you have faced? 

I think the biggest challenge I have personally faced has been related to my role specifically. As a Leased Account Manager I work with regional managers for each pub company, so any sales agreed in a pub also have to be agreed with the regional manager so it’s essential to have a good relationship with all the regional managers on your patch.  

As my patch was very new when I started, there were lots of regional managers who hadn’t really worked with us as a company in recent years so I was developing a lot of these relationships from scratch. It was definitely challenging getting their attention, developing relationships and building trust, but hard work certainly pays off. 

How has your experience been on the Commercial Management Traineeship? 

I have absolutely loved it and it’s been so good getting to meet trainees from across Europe during our induction and getting to network with them again at various training days and trainee reunions. It’s been so good getting to speak to them and find out that even though we are all grads in different countries, we are all going through the same challenges but also have had similar opportunities.  

I have really loved having so much variety in my week and so much autonomy in my role. I think the graduate programme at AB InBev is like no other, it gives you so much freedom in your day and week. You really are your own boss and you are a true owner in everything you do. 

Any advice you would give to future graduates? 

I would say the company has hired you for a reason so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and be yourself both internally and externally. Take any opportunity that you can to grow and develop whilst on the programme, even if its outside of your day-to-day role.